Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 3: Halloween

Activity 1: Color Halloween Picture (Day 2)
Activity 2: Dig for Bones (Day 4)
Activity 3: Color a Trick-or-Treating Picture (Day 5)
Activity 4: Put Jack-o-lantern Cling ons from Grandma Tauna on the Screen Door
Video: None

Book 1: Pumpkinhead by (Daily)

Book 2: A Tiger Called Thomas by (Daily)

Food 1: Spider Oreo Snack (Day 2)
Food 2: Bat Sandwich (Day 2)Food 3: Jack-o-lantern Pizza (Day 4)
Food 4: Ghost Sandwich with Yam "Pumpkins" (Day 5)
Event 1: the Pumpkin Man (Day 1)
Event 2: Halloween Party (Day 6)
Number of the Week: 8
Misc.: Wear Halloween PJs from Nana
Beyond the Official Week into the week of Halloween:
Activity: Carve Pumpkins
Video: It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (Halloween)
Food1: Pumpkin Sandwich
Food 2: Pumpkin Sugar Cookies
Event 1: Trick-or Treating (Halloween)

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